Bell Ringing

Bell ringing dates back hundreds of years and is deeply rooted in our culture. At St Leonard’s the church bells call us Sunday by Sunday to come together for worship and in celebration. Bell ringing is a mix of physical exercise and feats of memory. Church bells can weigh from about a hundredweight up to four tons (the largest at St Leonard’s is just under 13 cwt or 650 Kg), and change ringing involves complex interweaving patterns. But learning bell ringing is about technique rather than strength or mathematical ability.

The Bell Ringers ring on Sunday mornings from 9.30 am for the 10 am Service, and occasionally on Sunday evenings by arrangement. Practice is from 7.30 to 9.00 pm on Tuesday evenings.

We are always pleased to welcome new recruits: experienced ringers, lapsed ringers or absolute beginners. Please contact the Tower Captain Tony Nunn or the Tower Secretary Gill Tomlinson.

More information about the Tower and Bells »