8 am | Holy Communion (A quiet service without music) NO 8am on Sunday 29th December |
10 am | Sung Eucharist (Our main service, with choir and children’s groups) |
4.30 pm 6.30pm |
1st, 3rd & 5th Evensong (Not during August). 2nd Taize Prayer & 4th Sunday Informal Service (details below) |
On the 1st Sunday, of the month at 10am we enjoy, a ‘lighter touch’ service for All Ages – Our Choristers usually sing at this service and there is no children’s groups .
On the 2nd Sunday of the month at 6.30 pm our evening service is Taizé prayer, with a small music ensemble, candlelight and lots of space for reflection.
On the 4th Sunday of the month at 6.30pm we have our Informal Service. This has a relaxed feel and we enjoy contemporary worship music.
There are step-by-step guides to our services on the I Am New page.
We record many of our sermons, and you can listen again online.
St Leonard’s is open on Monday’s and Wednesdays for quiet prayer and reflection between 12noon & 2pm
Morning Prayer is offered on Monday at 12.30 in the Chapel of Unity.
On Wednesdays, there is a Mid-Week Eucharist at 12 noon.