Baptisms and Christenings

Baptism is also known as christening. We baptise people of any age.

Children under 7

You are welcome to have your child baptised (christened) in St Leonard’s if you live in the parish or are a regular member of the congregation. To find out if you live in St Leonard’s parish please check with our parish map or go to A Church Near You and click on “Search by Postcode or Place”.

We conduct baptisms on the first Sunday of each month at our All Age Eucharist, or on Saturdays at 12.30. The choice is yours.

An important part of baptism is welcoming your child into the wider family of the Christian Church. Therefore, if you opt for a  Saturday 12.30pm baptism, it is expected that you attend our main 10am Parish Eucharist with your child within a month of their baptism, by arrangement with the Rector. On this occasion you will receive a special welcome from the congregation, a lighted candle and your child’s baptism certificate will be given to them.

We do this because Children are baptised in the Church of England on the understanding that their parents will bring them up to be Christians and encourage them to come to church. It is a sign of your commitment to fulfil the promises you will make at the baptism service.

If you would like to consider baptism for your child, come along to one of our services and speak to the Rector Canon Anna Norman-Walker. She will make an appointment for you to meet up to discuss the Baptism. This meeting is usually on a Saturday morning at Church.

There is also a useful guide to planning and going to a christening service on the Church of England christenings website.

See our Church Hall page for hire for your celebrations.

Children over 7

Children over 7 years old are usually baptised on Easter Day and admitted to communion at the same time. Children being admitted to communion meet weekly after the New Year to prepare for receiving for communion for the first time. Please contact the St Leonard’s Parish Office or speak to the Rector if you would like your child to join a preparation group.


Please contact the St Leonard’s Parish Office if you would like to explore baptism as an adult, and we will arrange for one of the clergy team to meet with you and discuss next steps.