Our Music

The Choir


St Leonard’s Church Choir is a group of voluntary singers, who are led by professionals Calum Fraser (Director of Music) and the Assistant Director of Music. The choir sings for the 10 am Eucharist and 4.30 pm Evensong every other Sunday (1st & 3rd Sunday evenings), as well as special services at Advent, Christmas, Passiontide and Easter.

In the past, the choir has contributed to festival concerts in Streatham, and sung Choral Evensong in a number of cathedrals as the visiting choir. The repertoire is adventurous and varied and covers a wide range from medieval to modern, both a cappella and accompanied by organ.

The choir rehearses in St Leonard’s on Thursday evenings from 7.30 to 9 pm and we are always keen to welcome new singers. Some experience in choral singing is useful, as is enthusiasm and commitment! To arrange an informal audition, please contact Calum Fraser.




St Leonard’s currently has around 20 choristers, who rehearse between 6 and 7.15 pm every Thursday during term time. The choristers join the adult choir to sing the Eucharist on the first Sunday of every month.

You can find out more through our introductory video:


This musical training is free of charge (due to a generous grant from AllChurches Trust in 2019) and follows the Royal School of Church Music’s “Voice for Life” programme. If you have a child who is interested in joining this group, please contact Calum Fraser for more details.

Senior Choristers May 2021

Choral Scholars

St Leonard’s Church is delighted to offer a number of choral scholarships each academic year for undergraduate students and sixth-form pupils at local schools. We are delighted that this is made possible with help from The Ouseley Church Music Trust and members of the congregation. The scholars attend the weekly choir rehearsal on Thursday evenings as well as the two services each Sunday. There is also scope for our scholars to have a mentoring role with the choristers. As part of their scholarships, the students receive a small termly honorarium. For more details about the scholarship scheme, please contact Calum Fraser.

Choral Scholars 2022 – (L-R) Andrea, Mark, Emmy-Lou, Calum (DoM), Anna and André.


Director of Music

The Director of Music is Calum Fraser. Please see www.calumfraser.co.uk for more information.


Music Lists: September 2024 | Music Archive

See also: Taizé Prayer | The Organ | Bell Ringing