[NB – This refers to the church’s Electoral Roll, not the civic Electoral Register. Being on the Electoral Roll affirms your membership of the church and entitles you to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting.]

 Every 6 years, the Church of England requires parishes to compile a new Electoral Roll.  2019 is one of those years. This means that everyone eligible must complete a new application form whether they were on the old Electoral Roll or not.

 To be eligible for inclusion on the Electoral Roll you must:
be at least 16 years of age *,
be a baptised member of the Church of England (or another church in the Anglican Communion), and
either reside in the parish or a have regularly attended worship during the past six months.

The new Roll must be completed 28 days before the APCM in April, so please apply sooner rather than later. Forms are now available in the narthex or you can download one here

 * If your 16th birthday is within the next 12 months, you may apply provisionally but will not be eligible to vote until after your birthday.